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Growing in God, a story of Marco in Brazil

Growing in God, a story of Marco in Brazil

In Brazil, the 7th Presbyterian Church runs a program called the Nineira Project, aimed at empowering children and teenagers by teaching them various skills. Through this initiative, participants...

BrazilA visit to Brazil with the Jones'

A visit to Brazil with the Jones'

March 2020, Paul and Helen Jones (EI International Director) and Richard and Pam McGowan (EI Canda Director) were heading to Brazil to visit EI’s work there, when the world went into lockdown. Fast...

BrazilGod at Work Through Covid-19 Response in Brazil

God at Work Through Covid-19 Response in Brazil

During Covid-19, the communities that Emmanuel International Brazil (EIBZ) serves began to have greater needs and required support from the organization. Many individuals held informal jobs, and wh...