Physical Challenges have not stopped Janepher! - Malawi

Janepher Makawa (not her real name), 45 years is from Group Village Head Chikawonda, Traditional Authority Kawinga, Machinga in Malawi. She is physically challenged and she has speaking difficulties. In July 2019, Jenepher Kakawa’s husband left her for another woman in the next village, living her behind with 6 children (1 male, 5 female).  Life was very tough for Janepher as she had no other income generating activities to support herself and the family. Mostly, she relied on arms from the community members. Her only son dropped out of school in standard 5 because of lack of school support. When Emmanuel International Malawi through Spotlight project came to TA, Kawinga in May 2020, Janepher was one of the survivors who was referred by community volunteers through Community Victim Support Unit (CVSU) to join Village Savings and Loan (VSL) group in the area.

In July, 2020, Janepher Makawa joined Talandila Village Bank and she borrowed money to start tea room business. Through her business, Janepher is able to buy food and provide school necessities for her children. Through her tearoom business, Janepher has been able to raise enough money for fertilizer for her garden. In her words she said “thank you Spotlight for supporting me, VSL has enabled me to take care of my family”

Testimonies like Janepher help us remember to be thankful for those around us who see a need and speak up on our behalf when we can't.

Matthew 25:35 ESV
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me

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