Summer Student Position Available

**This role has been fulfilled**

Current summer student opportunities for employment in Canada for 2017.
Join Us In Ministry

Each summer EICanada is priviledged to be part of the Canada Student Jobs Program and gives valuable experience to students.

To qualify for a summer job with the Canada Student Jobs Program you must be attending School presently and returning to school for the fall semester.

You may deliever your resumes to the below address or send it by emailed to our office:

Emmanuel International Canada
P.O. Box 1179
3967 Stouffville Road
Stouffville, ON L4A 8A2

Contact person: Paul Crowe
Phone: 905-640-2111

Property Maintenance and Office Administration Assistant

Wage: $12.00/hour | Hours per week: 30 | # of weeks: 7 consecutive

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Assist in both outside and inside cleaning and property care tasks.
Work on small maintenance projects inside and outside the building.
Lawn maintenance, cleaning inside the building, ensure building is ready for various meetings.
Assist in organizing and condensing of old files by reduction of paper through scanning and shredding; preparing files for new fiscal year; assist in other general office duties as they arise.
Participate in local community outreach; represent EICanada at local community events such as StrawberryFestival and Moonlight Madness.
Assist in developing a booklet about the picturesque premises surrounding our location outlining special and historical events and uses over the past 150 years.


Level of Education: Secondary / Post-secondary

Email resume to:

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