Footbridge in Mafuluto, Tanzania
We have made even better progress than we dared hope and have an almost-complete bridge deck in place now. It has been a tough week for everyone, with 35ºC daytime temperatures, not a lot cooler a...

A River Footbridge in Tanzania
The Ruaha River is a great blessing for the people of Iringa region of Tanzania, but it can be lethal if you need to cross it without a bridge in the rainy season! Mafuluto is a remote village 70km...

A story from Tanzania by Laura Kelly, Depending on the context, that's either a big or a small number. In Tanzania, 10,000 shillings is the equivalent of $5.88 CND. You can buy 5kg of rice or a sma...

This coming April we are excited to have two interns join us from Tyndale University who will be working towards completing their studies in International Development. They are both in their fourth...

Tanzania Deep Dive: Part 3 One Body in Christ
Emmanuel International Tanzania (EITZ) has three offices around the country: Iringa, Mwanza, and Tanga. The country is quite large with the longest driving distance between the regions being 18 hou...

Tanzania Deep Dive: Part 2 Differences Between the Three Districts
Emmanuel International Tanzania (EITZ) is present in 3 regions of the country, Mwanza, Iringa, and their newest, Tanga. These regions have very different cultures and climates, which affect the way...

Fund for Innovation and Transformation and EICanada work together
Emmanuel International (EI) Canada has been awarded funding to run an innovation trial in Mwanza, Tanzania starting June 2022. With financial support from FIT (Fund for Innovation and Transformati...

Testing an innovation in Tanzania
Emmanuel International Canada has been awarded funding to run an innovation trial in Mwanza, Tanzania starting June 2022. With financial support from FIT (Funding for Innovation Transformation) th...

Tanzania Deep Dive Part 1: Expansion into Tanga
Did you know that Emmanuel International Tanzania (EITZ) is now working in three districts? Thanks to the work of the in-country staff and donor support, EITZ has begun laying the groundwork in Ta...

Emmanuel International is Involved in Pastor Training!
For the church to be strong and thriving in its mission, it must have a strong pastor. Which is why many of Emmanuel International locations around the world have developed projects to address the ...

Emmanuel International Tanzania (EITZ) is partnering with Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) to bring a menstrual health project to 1,850 schoolgirls in Mwanza.It is normal for girls to skip 5 days o...